NauticalMart Brass Sundial Compass 3″ Nautical Gift Marine Boat Pocket Sun Dial Pirate Ship West London


  • This stunning sundial compass is fully functional. The legs are completely adjustable for any surface. Would set the compass to the North, then use the sundial to adjust the angle given the season and be able to give very accurate time. This fully engraved piece is made to last a lifetime. It will make a great addition to any or maritime collection.
  • This pocket sundial has adjustable legs for accurate sundial alignment to precisely dial solar time.The sundial is an instrument designed for a specific location on earth and permanently installed there, on which the shadow of one of its parts indicates the hour of the day (while the sun is up and making shadows).
  • Camping Compass is necessary to know exactly where you are going when you are on your adventure trip. It will help you to find directions relative to the Cardinal Geographic Directions. The needle of the compass will indicate the direction you need to go.
  • This is a finely crafted, solid brass sundial compass in one convenient unit. This unit allows an individual to tell the exact time by taking into account all local variables. A marker to account for the declination of the sun, a sundial,a compass with a magnetic needle. If properly used it is a highly accurate timepiece. The brass is left unfinished, so that it may acquire type finish over time.
  • The compass is an instrument used for navigation. It includes a free-floating magnetized component which, when held level and still, aligns itself with the earth’s magnetic field and in doing so, points approximately north.
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Brass Sundial Compass 3″ Nautical Gift Marine Boat Pocket Sun Dial Pirate Ship West London


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